import traceback from datetime import datetime import u3 import u6 import ue9 # MAX_REQUESTS is the number of packets to be read. MAX_REQUESTS = 75 # At high frequencies ( >5 kHz), the number of samples will be MAX_REQUESTS times 48 (packets per request) times 25 (samples per packet). d = u6.U6() # For applying the proper calibration to readings. d.getCalibrationData() print "configuring U6 stream" d.streamConfig(NumChannels = 2, ChannelNumbers = [ 0, 2 ], ChannelOptions = [ 144, 144 ], SettlingFactor = 1, ResolutionIndex = 1, ScanFrequency = 100 ) try: print "start stream", d.streamStart() start = print start missed = 0 dataCount = 0 packetCount = 0 for r in d.streamData(): if r is not None: # Our stop condition if dataCount >= MAX_REQUESTS: break if r['errors'] != 0: print "Error: %s ; " % r['errors'], if r['numPackets'] != d.packetsPerRequest: print "----- UNDERFLOW : %s : " % r['numPackets'], if r['missed'] != 0: missed += r['missed'] print "+++ Missed ", r['missed'] # Comment out these prints and do something with r print "Average of" , len(r['AIN0']), "AIN0," , len(r['AIN2']) , "AIN2 reading(s):", print sum(r['AIN0'])/len(r['AIN0']) , "," , sum(r['AIN2'])/len(r['AIN2']) dataCount += 1 packetCount += r['numPackets'] else: # Got no data back from our read. # This only happens if your stream isn't faster than the # the USB read timeout, ~1 sec. print "No data", except: print "".join(i for i in traceback.format_exc()) finally: stop = d.streamStop() print "stream stopped." d.close() sampleTotal = packetCount * d.streamSamplesPerPacket scanTotal = sampleTotal / 2 #sampleTotal / NumChannels print "%s requests with %s packets per request with %s samples per packet = %s samples total." % ( dataCount, (float(packetCount) / dataCount), d.streamSamplesPerPacket, sampleTotal ) print "%s samples were lost due to errors." % missed sampleTotal -= missed print "Adjusted number of samples = %s" % sampleTotal runTime = (stop-start).seconds + float((stop-start).microseconds)/1000000 print "The experiment took %s seconds." % runTime print "Scan Rate : %s scans / %s seconds = %s Hz" % ( scanTotal, runTime, float(scanTotal)/runTime ) print "Sample Rate : %s samples / %s seconds = %s Hz" % ( sampleTotal, runTime, float(sampleTotal)/runTime )