connecting to labjack via ethernet atomatically | LabJack

connecting to labjack via ethernet atomatically

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Montucky's picture
connecting to labjack via ethernet atomatically

How do I automatically connect to Labjack T7 using kipling via Ethernet when I run a VI. Do I have to establish any identifiers?

I have to mannually open Kipling then go to device selector and select Ethernet in order to not get this error.




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LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Only one program can connect

Only one program can connect via USB at once. It looks like maybe you're trying to connect both Kipling and the .vi at once?

Please see Device Not Found for more details.

Montucky's picture
Okay that makes sense. I have

Okay that makes sense. I have established connection to the LabJack via ethernet (connection ethernet.jpg).  I have found that all my VI’s work except one.   In this VI, I am only reading serial commands from a device when buttons are pressed.  The LabJack is only used to power the device on.  After 10 seconds the unit powers off the LabJack automatically turns off and the VI continues to run. It seems that I am losing comms, not sure how to fix this.   


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
After 10 seconds the unit

After 10 seconds the unit powers off the LabJack automatically turns off and the VI continues to run. It seems that I am losing comms

I'm not sure how to interpret this.

What is the error code you're seeing? Or what is the expected behavior and what the actual behavior?