Gain/Range setting for analog input streaming | LabJack

Gain/Range setting for analog input streaming

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Jason Dunham
Jason Dunham's picture
Gain/Range setting for analog input streaming

How do I set the ADC range for analog input streaming.  Is there some manual I'm missing?  None of the VIs have any descriptions except a few comments on the diagram.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Which device are you asking

Which device are you asking about?

Jason Dunham
Jason Dunham's picture
Sorry U3 using UD drivers

Sorry U3 using UD drivers

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
In general, if you are

In general, if you are wondering about what function to use and what are the parameters to a function look at Sections 4.1 and 4.2:

If you know the parameters to the function (IOType, Channel, Value, x1), but are not sure what to pass, check out the applicable hardware section and pseudocode section:

The concept of AIN range on the U3 is a little quirky.  They have a fixed normal input range of 0-2.4V for low voltage AIN and +/-10V for high voltage AIN.  Then there is a special range available that is 0-3.6V for low voltage AIN and -10/+20V for high voltage AIN.  The U3-LV has low voltage only whereas the U3-HV has both.

To get the special 0-3.6 volt or -10/+20 volt range, you do a differential reading with the negative channel set to 32, although the reading is actually single-ended.

You can see an example of a special range reading in the pseudocode section 4.3.

Jason Dunham
Jason Dunham's picture
I have the U3-LV, and I'm

I have the U3-LV, and I'm already at the normal gain so I guess I am all set, thanks.