LabJack prematurely shuts off | LabJack

LabJack prematurely shuts off

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Montucky's picture
LabJack prematurely shuts off

Here is the basic concept that I am working on.  I am using  the T7 connceted via Ethernet using LabVIEW.  I turn on a device and then read serial commands.  I initialize the DIO to turn it on outside of the loop and after about 10 sec the DIO changes state without writing it Low.  When I place the DIO in the loop it runs continuously and works.    I am trying to understand  this behavior, any ideas ??

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LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
To help isolate the issue,

To help isolate the issue, try closing your LabVIEW program and open the T7 in Kipling. Navigate to the Dashboard tab and set MIO0 to an output high. We might expect to see the same issue where the MIO0 line gets set low after some time the same way your program does. If it does, I would recommend updating firmware, resetting the device to factory default settings, installing the latest version of LJM, and testing again in Kipling.

If you happen to be using a MUX80 board and reading the extended AIN channels, the MIO lines will switch on their own and that could be causing your issue. Also note that reading any of the DIO lines will set them to inputs, so you should not read the MIO lines anywhere if you want them set as outputs.

Montucky's picture
I opend Kipling connected via

I opend Kipling connected via ethernet, set MIO0 output HIGH. It reamined in that state continously.

I am not using the MUX80 board.

Do you sugguest that I should change the MIO to different DIO just becasue the fact that the MIO lines  have the capability to switch on there own?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
In general it may be good to

In general it may be good to use the other DIO before the MIO, but it should not matter unless you end up using the MUX80 board. It is somewhat incorrect to even say the MIO ports switch on their own, you have to make at least one explicit call that reads a MUX80 AIN channel to switch them.

If the DIO is not changing in Kipling, then we know it is some issue local to your software or an issue with the hardware connection. How did you come to the conclusion that the MIO was dropping low at some point? Is there any strange activity with the status LEDs? The comm LED should toggle occasionally, but status should hold solid.

Montucky's picture
Yes, the LEDS were acting

Yes, the LEDS were acting strange. After 10 seconds the would both go off then both flash fast >> green went solid & orange flased  >> then both went solid.    This would repeat.   Seemed like it was rebooting ?  Strange how I only noticed it on a certain VI .

I did a factory reboot and things started working correctly.   

Thanks for your help.