LJTick-Resistance and U6 FIO input help | LabJack

LJTick-Resistance and U6 FIO input help

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Rednecknerd's picture
LJTick-Resistance and U6 FIO input help

I have been having a hard time configuring my U6 with labview for the LJTick-R.

I am using AIO 0-2 for 0-10v inputs and was trying to use the FIO0-1 for hte LJTick but do not know how to configure the FIO for analog in.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The digital I/O do not

The digital I/O do not support analog on the U6:


You might be thinking of the U3 which has flexible I/O:


Rednecknerd's picture
Thank you for the answer.

Thank you for the answer.  That is exactly what I did.  I remembered what I read about the U3, but thought it was the U6.