Streaming thermocouple data on T7, using cold junction temperature | LabJack

Streaming thermocouple data on T7, using cold junction temperature

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Streaming thermocouple data on T7, using cold junction temperature

I want to stream thermocouple data on the T7 (with LabVIEW)

I am able to stream the raw voltage from the tc easily, however, I would like to use the TCVoltsToTemp function to transform raw data into temperature, however, I do not find a way of providing cold junction temperature data to the function while streaming, as the TEMPERATURE_DEVICE_K adress is not streamable, and i cannot perform eRead calls while streaming.

So, is it possibile to convert to temperature in real time while streaming the the raw voltage output?

LabJack Support
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TEMPERATURE_DEVICE_K is not streamable, but the internal temperature sensor is connected to AIN14, so you can stream the raw voltage from AIN14 then convert to get temperature values:

Also note that you cannot perform eRead calls on AIN while streaming (which includes the internal temperature sensor) but you can perform eRead calls on other registers while streaming. The reason for this restriction on AIN is that eRead calls use command response communication and streaming takes exclusive control of the AIN system. See the last few paragraphs of this page: