configure ethernet of T7 with Linux | LabJack

configure ethernet of T7 with Linux

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Julien L.
Julien L.'s picture
configure ethernet of T7 with Linux


I don't see any indication on how to configure the ethernet connection of a T7 using Linux. You always mention to use Kipling, but I found out this program is only available for Windows. I would like to configure a static IP adress, using either C or Python, or any other tool that you have.

Thank you

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Both the C/C++ and Python

Both the C/C++ and Python examples have a write_ethernet_config example in their ethernet directory which demonstrates configuring the default IP address and other ethernet related settings. Note to change the dhcp setting to 0 for a static IP address and to power cycle your T7 afterwards for the settings to take effect. The T7 ETHERNET registers are documented here:

As for Kipling, there is a Linux version but it isn't on the website for download yet. We will post an update shortly when it is available.

Julien L.
Julien L.'s picture
Thank you for your answer, I

Thank you for your answer, I just managed to configure it before I saw your answer. It is actually very easy!

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The Linux installers for i386

The Linux installers for i386 and x86_64 install Kipling now! Available here:

I downloaded and installed

I downloaded and installed Kipling on my 64 bit Debian 8 Linux system.  I compiled and installed without any noticeable problems.  However, when I run Kipling, it can't find my LabJack T7 that is connected via an Ethernet connection.  The Windows version has no trouble in finding my T7 that sits on my Ethernet network.

Is there a way of specifying the IP address of my T7 to Kipling?  (It answers pings, so I know it's not a network problem).

Note:  I am running my Debian Linux system in VMWare Virtual Machine which was created by VMWorkstaion 10.


Just one more fact that may

Just one more fact that may be relevant:  I can compile and run the Linux C-program examples and they have no trouble connecting to the T7 as long as I specify the IP address of the T7.  

Having a config file or command line parameter that allows specifying the IP address of the T7 to Kipling would be a good solution.


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Sounds like a direct TCP

Sounds like a direct TCP connection works, but the UDP broadcast that searches for devices may not be working with your virtual machine setup/network. You can configure LJM to directly connect to certain IP addresses, which affects LJM open and search (ListAll) based calls. Refer to troubleshooting item #5 here:

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Hi Nick!

Hi Nick!

Two things:

1. Your timing is almost perfect. We are just about to release a version of LJM (which Kipling uses) that attempts to discover devices on all available subnets. In this new version of LJM (version 1.1200) you won't need to specify the IP address of the T7 unless your network does not allow UDP broadcasts.

2. If your network doesn't allow UDP broadcasts or if you want to get started immediately, the way to specify the IP in the current version is by using the /usr/local/share/LabJack/LJM/ljm_special_addresses.config file, which is renamed  ljm_specific_ips.config in LJM version 1.1200 onward.

Edit: Fixed the file name of ljm_special_addresses.config.

I took a look in the /usr

I took a look in the /usr/local/share/LabJack/LJM/ directory and didn't find either the ljm_special_addresses.config or the ljm_specific_ips.config file.

[email protected]:/usr/local/share/LabJack/LJM$ ls -l

total 160

-rw-rw-rw- 1 root staff 148840 Apr 19 14:40 ljm_constants.json

-rw-rw-rw- 1 root staff   1091 Apr 21 19:32 ljm.log

-rw-rw-rw- 1 root staff   6146 Apr 19 14:40 ljm_startup_configs.json

The locate utility couldn't find either.

Looking into the ljm.log file, I found the ljm version to be:  LJM version: 1.0807, so it appears that the Linux version of the LJM library I have is a bit old.

I'll see if I can download a newer one and try again.


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Try the beta 64-bit installer

Try the beta 64-bit installer download dated today (04/25/2016). This has LJM library 1.1200, and the ljm_specific_ips.config file is new with this release.

For the record, I downloaded

For the record, I downloaded the latest x64 Linux beta version "labjack_ljm_software_2016_04_25_x86_64.tar.gz   04/25/2016", added the IP address of my LabJack T7 to the ljm_specific_ips.config file (which was initially empty) and when I ran labjack_kipling, it did find my T7.

