- Data Acquisition and Visualization Software | LabJack - Data Acquisition and Visualization Software

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Salefix's picture - Data Acquisition and Visualization Software

We want to demonstrate an easy way to use the Labjack measurement devices for data visualization and data logging.
On our website can directly started a sample program to demonstrate some capabilities of the data acquisition and visualization program AndiWIN.NET. 
First, connect your LabJack U3 to the PC (Labjack driver must be installed!). Then start the program by calling the web link at the end of this text. All other explanations, see the program. 

To start the program online, a web browser is needed (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Chrome with add-on 'ClickOnce') that supports the option ClickOnce. This means program download with automatic startup.

Additionally requires the installation of NET Framework 3.5 Redistributable Pack. NET Framework 3.5 (respectively the current version) is part of the optional Windows updates and is provided by Micorsoft.
Please check before starting the program, whether net framework is installed!

The demo program is set up only for the use of the U3 measurement device. With AndiWIN.NET full version however, all LabJac measurement devices (and others on request) can be operated. Click on the following web link to start the program - have fun when trying.

If you want to try the interactive development environment (without interface access / English help pages) so you can do this on our website. Click the corresponding button on the starting page of the demo program.

If you are interested in the program, simply send us a mail.

Thank you for your interest.

Call up the sample page: