LJStreamM still records duplicate data when scaling is disabled | LabJack

LJStreamM still records duplicate data when scaling is disabled

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nickthequik's picture
LJStreamM still records duplicate data when scaling is disabled

I was collecting some data with LJStreamM and disabled the scaling with the radio button. However, I noticed the data file still contained the "scaled" data which was just a duplicate of the raw voltage data. Would it be possible to just not record the scaled data when the "Disable Scaling" radio button is checked? It would save on file size and reduce the amount of time needed to write to the file.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
There is not currently any

There is not currently any way to prevent the "Scaled" data column from being saved to file. We will look into making a change for our next release of the logger since this does seem like an oversight.

nickthequik's picture
Thanks! I look forward to the

Thanks! I look forward to the update.