Sample code for Xojo | LabJack

Sample code for Xojo

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pebbert's picture
Sample code for Xojo

I converted the Visual Basic sample files to work work with Xojo and created the attached sample code for others.

It works in Windows with the LabJackUD driver, Xojo version 2015r2.4. It is set to work with the LabJack U3.

I haven't tested every function as I am only using Digital I/O for my current project.

File Attachment: 
LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Thank you for posting your

Thank you for posting your Xojo project/code. This will be helpful to other LabJack U3 users using Xojo. Also, this can help LabJack U6 or UE9 users since they also use the LabJackUD driver.

chrissalon's picture
Hello Pebbert,

Hello Pebbert,

Thanks for providing a Xojo example. I am a beginner in Xojo and learning electronics. I was looking for such a device but was reluctant to get one as I did not see examples out there in VB (my previous programming Language). Now that I seen your example I just placed an order for a U3-HV. I am looking forward for your further developing your example to include other functions so I can have fun with the device when I receive it. I had purchased a DrDAQ from Picotech and was disappointed on the lack of VB example so I can at least try to convert to Xojo and now it is sitting in my draw. If get experienced and develop any examples with Xojo and U3-HV I will also be glad to post them here.

Thanks Again,


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Including looking at pebbert

Including looking at pebbert's Xojo example, take a look at our VB code in our VB6/VBA examples which will be helpful.

Our general UD driver (LabJackUD) documentation can be found here:

chrissalon's picture
Thank you LabJack Support,

Thank you LabJack Support, looking forward to have some fun as soon as I receive the unit.