Write digital bit in the middle of streaming (MATLAB) | LabJack

Write digital bit in the middle of streaming (MATLAB)

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bill.connelly's picture
Write digital bit in the middle of streaming (MATLAB)

Hi everyone,

I want to measure a systems response to a digital pulse. I want to be in streaming mode, so I get the fastest possible sampling. I want to record some time prior to the digital pulse, as well as while the digital pulse is applied and then for some time afterward. I don't want to stop streaming, turn the digital pulse on, then off, then start streaming again, because of the lost samples associated with such things.

Is such a thing possible with any labjack? If so, how would I go about doing this?


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
You can do command-response

You can do command-response calls while a stream is active.  Those calls can't read analog inputs, because the analog input system is taken over by stream mode, but you can do pretty much anything else, so just make a ePut call to set the DO as desired whenever you want.  Sounds like inside your stream read loop you will have some sort of case structure that makes the call to set the DO when desired.