Error function 'LJM_PeriodStreamOut' not found | LabJack

Error function 'LJM_PeriodStreamOut' not found

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ashoup's picture
Error function 'LJM_PeriodStreamOut' not found

I am using a T7 to stream a list of data out. It is giving me the error in the image after the traceback goes through my file,, and the file

AttributeError: function 'LJM_PeriodStreamOut' not found

I have tried it on two different computers (albeit I installed python/labjack/ljm on both of them) and the same error happens if I replace PeriodStreamOut with WriteAperiodicStreamOut, so it's like those functions are missing? I have confirmed they are in the ljm document, so I'm not sure what's going on. I included my code. 


ashoup's picture
Got an email back from

Got an email back from support. Apparently I needed the beta version of ljm, as PeriodicStreamOut is new to that version. 

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
I believe we followed up with

To clarify, the error above typically indicates that you need to update your LJM version. The stream out functions PeriodicStreamOut, InitializeAperiodicStreamOut, and WriteAperiodicStreamOut require LJM v1.21, which at the time of writing is only available in our beta installer, but expected to move to a release installer soon:


ashoup's picture
Yes, that worked great,

Yes, that worked great, thanks!