GUI SCADA with Labjack | LabJack

GUI SCADA with Labjack

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rjho87's picture
GUI SCADA with Labjack

Dear all,

May I know if there is any reference on basic Python Based GUI to use with Labjack T7-Pro that displays Analog Input in form so graph. Buttons to control digital output or slider for analog output and etc.

That would be real help to kick start a SCADA project with Labjack DAQ.




LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
We have console based Python

We have console based Python examples demonstrating T7 usage:

We do not have Python GUI/graphing based examples or documentation. Common frameworks/libraries for that are Tkinter (GUI) and Matplotlib (graphing). These links list other options:

rjho87's picture
Can anyone share with me any

Can anyone share with me any resources on GUI developed with Python to use Labjack as SCADA?

What I will need is GUI that display multiple live data stream from analog input displayed in graph; start button to trigger data collection; and also few button controlling output and slider for motor control.

My use case is on a filtration system. Analog control is to control VFD that drives the pump to controll different pump speed. The two analog input is the flowrate of sludge entering the filter and analog input from strain gauge measuring weight of the filter. A button to control a valve mixing solid particle into the flow.

I think it would be great if support team would develop a few "standard" use case example like how NI do with their Labview.
That will allow users to just modify the UI instead of learning to develop them. 


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
We fully support many

We fully support many programming languages including Python and LabVIEW, and with that we are committed to provide whatever support necessary so a customer can move data between the software and our hardware.  Beyond that you have what your software will do with the data (processing, displaying, logging to file, etc.), but that is just generic programming at that point and not specific to LabJack, and thus not an area we provide much support for.  In particular, GUI design is specific to every programming language and something we definitely do not support, but rather consider that the responsibility of the support resources for each programming language.

So it sounds like NI already provides a LabVIEW example that you like, so you that's great.  Just go to the parts that exchange information with hardware and plug in our functions.  For Python, it is not provided by a single company that you can ask for an example, so you likely need to look for community contributed content, and perhaps someone will post something here, but there are likely other forums where you will be exposed to a much larger Python community.

My personal preference is to start from very simple examples, rather than trying to modify a complex example.  To that extent, I would start with the "Write Read Loop with" example that we provide for every language, as it is a good general structure that applies to many applications.



rjho87's picture
That's helpful. Thanks.

That's helpful. Thanks.