i2c hangs on u6 with error 116 | LabJack

i2c hangs on u6 with error 116

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gregory.besack's picture
i2c hangs on u6 with error 116

Hi labjack team,

I'm trying to operate a MCP4728 i2c DAC using the Labjack u6 as a master, running windows. I've attached an example script below that reproduces the issue. It is based off of https://labjack.com/sites/default/files/2011/05/HMC6352.py_.txt

It appears that the u6 is not responding to i2c commands for a reason I cannot discover. I have a scope on the pins I have chosen, fio7 & fio6, but I see no activity on them. 

Am I not configuring the i2c on the u6 correctly? I have sprinkled setDIOState and getFeedback calls to see if it was a communication issue to no avail. Any ideas?

Thank you,

File Attachment: 
gregory.besack's picture
My issue was silly... I

My issue was silly... I forgot to specify keywords for SDAPinNumber and SCLPinNumber in the i2c call.

Correct call is d.i2c(addr, cmd, SDAPinNum=7, SCLPinNum=6).


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Right now your calls are

Right now your calls are using the default values for SDAPinNum (0/FIO0) and SCLPinNum (1/FIO1). With your i2c command the parameters where you set 7 and 6 are EnableClockStretching and NoStopWhenRestarting. Try something like this instead to use FIO7 as the SDA line and FIO6 as the SCL line:

d.i2c(96, cmd, SDAPinNum = 7, SCLPinNum = 6)

Use the help function ( help(u6.U6.i2c) ) or check the u6.py source code to see the i2c LabJackPython documentation and the parameters order.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
And it looks like you figured

And it looks like you figured out the issue while I was in the process of responding.