Reading Analog inputs T7 | LabJack

Reading Analog inputs T7

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Nick A
nickarmel's picture
Reading Analog inputs T7

I am trying to read the analog inputs off the T7 using modbus. I was able to successfully read the inputs using python 2.x but and now using 3.x after converting my code over i still have an issue with a conversion function that was provided in the file that was provided on the LabJack site. Are there any solutions for converting the analog values that come across the modbus to a usable value floating point? 

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The pymodbus download has

Our pymodbus examples download has been updated and now supports Python 3. Try the updated

Also, pymodbus has Modbus data (payload) decoder methods in the pymodbus.payload.BinaryPayloadDecoder class.