Sending data to the server with U6 pro, Python | LabJack

Sending data to the server with U6 pro, Python

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Hepsko's picture
Sending data to the server with U6 pro, Python

Hi everyone, I'm a webdev. I help in the student project, my job is to pick up
from labjack u6 pro data, parse to json and send to the server (sequentially display the data on the page).  I will have to write this in python, U6 will be connected to raspberry PI or pc with liniux. Anyone doing something similar? Anyone have any advice? Is the basic library
for python enough for me? I'm new to this so I'll probably be asking some stupid questions.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
As far as the U6 operation

As far as the U6 operation goes, you should only need to install our Exodriver and LabJackPython library:

The LabJackPython source code is the best programming reference, and the datasheet is the best reference for hardware capabilities:

Please let us know if we can help with anything else on the U6 side of things.