Streaming multiple AIN's and Quadrature signal | LabJack

Streaming multiple AIN's and Quadrature signal

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Nora's picture
Streaming multiple AIN's and Quadrature signal


up to now, I was using 6 AIN (AIN8 to AIN13) from force and torque sensors and one quadrature (FIO6 & 7) and everything runs well while streaming up to 1kHz, Gain 1, index 0.

I added two other AIN's (ANI1 and AIN2)  which are not as critical as the other one but they have still the index 0 and Gain1.
I get diffrent types of problem:

Now multiple packages getting lost, but the stream function did not report skipped values.

I recieve also sometimes the error, that the stream buffer is full.

But it is not the whole problem. I recognized that crashing the streaming is alwayes happen, when the rotating motor at special angels. I am not sure but may be the Forces are bigger in these angles. It is some how wired. Because i didn't have any problem till i add the new AIN's

Could you help me to solve the problem? Is there a solution?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Sounds like your unit might

Sounds like your unit might be getting overloaded. Both quadrature and stream are processor intensive. We can verify that hypothesis by reducing the device's CPU load. To do so we can either reduce stream speed or reduce the quadrature input rate. It is probably easiest to slow down the stream rate, try 500 Hz. To reduce the quadrature input rate use an encoder with fewer pulses per revolution or slow your machine.