4.5 to 24 VDC Pulsed Output from Flow Meter | LabJack

4.5 to 24 VDC Pulsed Output from Flow Meter

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craig.metcalfe's picture
4.5 to 24 VDC Pulsed Output from Flow Meter


Is there a signal converter or labjack accessory that would allow me to read a flowmeter that generates the following output with the T4?

  • 4.5 VDC to 24 VDC pulse (sourcing).
  • Current source output max 70 mA
  • Frequency output range: 15 Hz (low flow) to 225 Hz (high flow)

Appreciate any advice.


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The digital IO are TTL level

The digital IO are TTL level compatible, so you would be able to directly connect 0-5V signals to the DIO. Beyond that range, you could use an LJTick-Divider to get the voltage within 0-5V:


The frequency input or counter digital I/O extended features (DIO_EF) would be useful for capturing the pulse input:
