Applying TCVoltsToTemp for high temp ranges | LabJack

Applying TCVoltsToTemp for high temp ranges

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jhock001's picture
Applying TCVoltsToTemp for high temp ranges

TCVoltsToTemp ceases to work above certain temp limits. Are there recommendations for measuring high temp ranges (up to 3000F) with labjack/K-type TCs without resorting to elaborate NIST polynomials/tables? Thank you

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The table here says the limit

The table here says the limit for K is 1100C continuous and 1300C short-term.  Do you have a special version that works up to 1650C?

The upper limit of our TCVoltsToTemp function is set to about 1372C for a type K, because that is the upper limit of where the coefficients are defined.  We could probably take away the upper limit and keep using the top range coefficients beyond their upper limit, but not sure we want to have our function using a set of constants outside their specified range:



jhock001's picture
Thank you, yes this is for a

Thank you, yes this is for a high temperature kiln beyond 1300. But now that you've confirmed the function works out to 1372C I know I have something else wrong with my implementation as the function ceases around 300C. I will give it a few more tries. I appreciate your input.