Motor Vibration Condition Monitoring | LabJack

Motor Vibration Condition Monitoring

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Juls930's picture
Motor Vibration Condition Monitoring

I am trying to provide condition monitoring on a motor and one of these conditions is the motor vibration. Ideally, I would like to see a constant live feed of this data. I was looking to use this accelerometer (4033 low range | Accelerometers, Amplified, DC Response Triaxial Accelerometer | UK ( with a T4. The first question is how to go about taking the accelerometer input it and display as the motor vibration, does the LJ provide anyway to intergrate the signals to display this data? Then on top of that, would I be able to get away with using a single axis sensor rather than the triaxial?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
We have Windows based loggers

We have Windows based loggers you could use to graph and log your data. Our loggers support some basic scaling equation functionality. We also support a number of programming languages if you would like to create a custom application. See our software options page:

If you need to use more complicated equations than our loggers could handle you could look into creating a small embedded lua script to do your processing, then log the results using our USER_RAM registers and LJLogM:

If you are only interested in information from one axis, then the T4 will do fine measuring a single axis.


Juls930's picture
I have recently decided to

I have recently decided to switch the model of accelerometer I am using solely for the price point. I am now looking at the following (8201-0050-120 : MEAS 8201 PE Accelerometer | TE Connectivity ) I understand that the configuration in terms of ideal output would be the same as you explained through loggers, however, I did have a question on the wiring required for this sensor, mainly due to the fact that is has a temperature wire which I assume is for temperature compensation. Would you suggest connecting the temp wire to one of the LabJacks outputs and output a temperature reading, or is there another way to go about this? In terms of what I want to use the accelerometer for, just monitoring motor vibration, I do not necessarily need the temperature compensation and thus was thinking I could just tie it to the ground.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
I would recommend leaving the

I would recommend leaving the temperature wire unconnected. It is unclear to me what the specifications of that line are based on the datasheet. You could likely contact the sensor manufacturer for more information about the sensor if you did want to set up compensation.