Connecting T4 to DaqFactory over USB | LabJack

Connecting T4 to DaqFactory over USB

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Dobbeljoe's picture
Connecting T4 to DaqFactory over USB

I have a T4 that I want to connect to DaqFactory over USB. With Kipling I get connection OK. 

In DaqFactory I use the serial number  of the T4 in the field #D. With none of the available Device types I get data.

Can you help me out?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Only one process can claim

Only one process can claim the device USB connection at a time, so please ensure Kipling and any other software that can connect to the LabJack is closed before running your DAQFactory program. The correct deviceType parameter should be LabJackM.

If the above does not resolve the issue, please ensure you do not have any errors in the device serial number you pass. Another test is to leave D# as 0, that will open the first available LabJack device. Also note that we have a couple examples attached at the bottom of our DAQFactory page that should run without modification: