ain register reads calibrated? | LabJack

ain register reads calibrated?

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ain register reads calibrated?


If I read from an ain register, e.g. AIN0, is the value automatically calibrated?  In the C/C++ ain streaming example (t7_modbus_tcp_stream_example.c), they apply a calibration to the streamed value.

However, in the single_ain.c example, no calibration is applied.

Can someone please confirm?

Thank you.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
AIN0-13 and AIN48-127

AIN0-13 and AIN48-127 registers are calibrated voltage readings. Calibration is applied in the T7 firmware with these registers.

When using stream mode, the analog input readings are a uncalibrated raw binary value. t7_modbus_tcp_stream_example.c is a low-level Modbus stream example that doesn't use our LJM library. It demonstrates the raw value readings and applying calibration constants to convert to a voltage. When using the LJM library and streaming, calibration is applied automatically in software and the stream functions return the calibrated voltages.

kqr2's picture
Thanks for the detailed

Thanks for the detailed explanation!