If I read from an ain register, e.g. AIN0, is the value automatically calibrated? In the C/C++ ain streaming example (t7_modbus_tcp_stream_example.c), they apply a calibration to the streamed value.
However, in the single_ain.c example, no calibration is applied.
Can someone please confirm?
Thank you.
AIN0-13 and AIN48-127 registers are calibrated voltage readings. Calibration is applied in the T7 firmware with these registers.
When using stream mode, the analog input readings are a uncalibrated raw binary value. t7_modbus_tcp_stream_example.c is a low-level Modbus stream example that doesn't use our LJM library. It demonstrates the raw value readings and applying calibration constants to convert to a voltage. When using the LJM library and streaming, calibration is applied automatically in software and the stream functions return the calibrated voltages.
Thanks for the detailed explanation!