i want to ask you somethink about how to communicate Labjack to ROS, i was buy labjack T7 and now on the way to my place (Indonesia ) . previously I will explain what is ros, "ROS (Robot Operating System) provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications. It provides hardware abstraction, device drivers, libraries, visualizers, message-passing, package management, and more. ROS is licensed under an open source, BSD license."
I use Labjack to receive data from various sensors then the data is forwarded to the ROS, then ROS will process the data and forward it back to the Labjack to drive a motor. the communication that I want to use from labjack to ros is with ethernet.
And my question is, do labjack and my question is whether labjack provides a library for communicating with ros ?
Yogy Pratama
The LJM library communicates with T7s and can be used within ROS. Because ROS can be written in C++ or Python, you can use either the C/C++ or the Python examples to get started:
does that mean I don't need to use the default labjack application(Kipling) for pin configuration ? And i must do it with C++ on ROS?
You can use Kipling or you can use C++ on ROS. The Communication page explains:
Both Kipling and LJM (using C++, for example) understand the same Modbus register names.
Register names for DIO configuration is here:
Labjack T7 just arrived at my place. I use linux as an operating system, and I have tried to compile with gcc (C++) but it didn't work
What command did you use? What was the error output?
If you haven't seen already, the C/C++ examples have a script that can be used to build the examples. Run basic/make.sh, for example:
when I try to add the LJM_utilities.h library to C ++ (Node ROS) then I try to compile it with ros but it can't, the error say :
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `GetDeviceType(int)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x170): undefined reference to `LJM_GetHandleInfo'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `PrintDeviceInfoFromHandle(int)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x1e5): undefined reference to `LJM_GetHandleInfo'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `PrintDeviceInfo(int, int, int, int, int, int)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x2d7): undefined reference to `LJM_NumberToIP'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `OpenOrDie(int, int, char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x39b): undefined reference to `LJM_Open'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `OpenSOrDie(char const*, char const*, char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x413): undefined reference to `LJM_OpenS'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `CloseOrDie(int)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x467): undefined reference to `LJM_Close'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `_ErrorCheckWithAddress(int, int, ErrorAction, char const*, __va_list_tag*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x515): undefined reference to `LJM_ErrorToString'
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x58a): undefined reference to `LJM_ErrorToString'
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x5f3): undefined reference to `LJM_CloseAll'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `GetAndPrint(int, char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x9d8): undefined reference to `LJM_eReadName'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `GetAndPrintIPAddress(int, char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xa65): undefined reference to `LJM_eReadName'
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xa88): undefined reference to `LJM_NumberToIP'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `GetAndPrintMACAddressFromValueAddress(int, char const*, int)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xb73): undefined reference to `LJM_eAddresses'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `GetAndPrintAddressAndType(int, char const*, int, int)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xc62): undefined reference to `LJM_eReadAddress'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `GetAndPrintConfigValue(char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xce6): undefined reference to `LJM_ReadLibraryConfigS'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `GetAndPrintConfigString(char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xd76): undefined reference to `LJM_ReadLibraryConfigStringS'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `SetConfigValue(char const*, double)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xdff): undefined reference to `LJM_WriteLibraryConfigS'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `SetConfigString(char const*, char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xe4d): undefined reference to `LJM_WriteLibraryConfigStringS'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `WriteName(int, char const*, double)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xeee): undefined reference to `LJM_eWriteName'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `WriteNameAltTypeOrDie(int, char const*, int, double)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xf5c): undefined reference to `LJM_NameToAddress'
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0xf96): undefined reference to `LJM_eWriteAddress'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `WriteNames(int, int, char const**, double const*, int*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x108a): undefined reference to `LJM_eWriteNames'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `WriteNameArrayOrDie(int, char const*, int, double const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x1119): undefined reference to `LJM_eWriteNameArray'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `WriteNameByteArrayOrDie(int, char const*, int, char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x11a4): undefined reference to `LJM_eWriteNameByteArray'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `ReadNameArrayOrDie(int, char const*, int, double*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x122f): undefined reference to `LJM_eReadNameArray'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `ReadNameByteArrayOrDie(int, char const*, int, char*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x12ba): undefined reference to `LJM_eReadNameByteArray'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `CouldNotRead(int, char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x133b): undefined reference to `LJM_ErrorToString'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `EnableLoggingLevel(double)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x13a5): undefined reference to `LJM_WriteLibraryConfigS'
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x13d0): undefined reference to `LJM_WriteLibraryConfigS'
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x1401): undefined reference to `LJM_WriteLibraryConfigS'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `GetCurrentTimeMS()':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x141e): undefined reference to `LJM_GetHostTick'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `IPToNumber(char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x1479): undefined reference to `LJM_IPToNumber'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `DoesDeviceHaveWiFi(int)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x15d3): undefined reference to `LJM_eReadName'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `DisplayDebugLoggingConfigurations()':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x1640): undefined reference to `LJM_ReadLibraryConfigS'
CMakeFiles/testlabjack.dir/src/testlabjack.cpp.o: In function `GetAddressFromNameOrDie(char const*)':
testlabjack.cpp:(.text+0x16ff): undefined reference to `LJM_NameToAddress'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
whats that mean ?
What was the gcc command? ld is the linker, so you have a linker error.
i use command : " catkin_make " on terminal for building also compiling .
do you have any tutorial, how to add labjack header library to ROS ?
That's the catkin command, but what's the gcc command? Did the gcc command include a linker step that links to LabJackM?
We don't have a tutorial for ROS and LJM, but we do have the LJM C/C++ examples that I linked to earlier in this thread. Because there are so many programming languages and libraries, we can't make tutorials for all of them, nor can we support build systems for all of them. If you can build LJM using the above LJM C/C++ examples (using the make.sh scripts), that demonstrates a gcc command that successfully builds LJM.