Hello there,
I am working with a T7 board and ADXL345 digital accelerometer, currently the setup is acquiring the data with a C script running on PC via request-response, however, I have noticed that the acquisition is slow even when using a single sensor since 3 request-response calls have to be done in order to get X,Y,Z acceleration. Per second maximum I can squeeze ±400 readings. Is there a way to read multiple sensors with at least the same acquisition frequency or faster?
As shown in our Lua example, it is possible to use a single SPI write, delay, then SPI read call to get data from every axis:
If you are using the Lua script example and reading data in C using the USER_RAM registers, I would instead recommend using SPI in C. There should not be any notable benefit to using the Lua script since you have communication overhead due to the USER_RAM reads. Our SPI docs have more information on the interface. We also have a loopback SPI example in our C examples: