ErrorCode 1202 when using uart_loopback_test.c example code | LabJack

ErrorCode 1202 when using uart_loopback_test.c example code

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Zy Jas's picture
ErrorCode 1202 when using uart_loopback_test.c example code


When using the beta example code of C language I have a problem running uart_loopback_test.c I get an error:

LJME_MBE2_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS: 5435 (ErrorCode: 1202)


Could it be firmware related issue? Thank you for any tip

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
This is an issue with our

This is an issue with our example, sorry about that.

The issue indicates a problem accessing the register at the address 5435. This register is ASYNCH_NUM_BYTES_RX, which is currently read only. The example does try to write to this register, so that is the issue and you should remove that line. I suspect the register might have had write access in earlier firmware. We will be sure to update the examples.