Labjack T7 Supply & Ouput Properities | LabJack

Labjack T7 Supply & Ouput Properities

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hans0's picture
Labjack T7 Supply & Ouput Properities


I am desperately searching the datasheet for the output characteristics of the Labjack T7. I would like to know how much current an output at 5V can supply and how much the Labjack can supply in total? In addition, I wonder if the total power supply is sufficient via USB or is there an additional supply I need to use? I would be glad could someone reference to the datasheet.

Thanks in Advance! Hans


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The T-Series Datasheet

The T-Series Datasheet Appendix-A contains all of our in-depth specifications.

The analog output specifications are on the following page:

USB 5V should be sufficient for device power. The power supply specifications are on the following page:

hans0's picture
Ahh perfect thanks! Didn't

Ahh perfect thanks! Didn't expect to find these specs in the appendix. Do I understand it right, that in default Mode without Load the Labjack consumes 280mA, so I can use an additional 220mA for various loads, since total supply current should be kept to 500 mA or less? As an example, I want to know how many loads with load current 20mA I can connect? So that will be 220/20 = 11 loads, is that correct?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Yes, the T7 requires 280mA

Yes, the T7 requires 280mA with the factory power settings, so if your supply can source 500mA you would be able to source up to 220mA from VS.