LJM excepton while using T7 | LabJack

LJM excepton while using T7

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ernest.l.piper@raytheon.com's picture
LJM excepton while using T7

We moved a LabJack T7 application to a computer on a different network.   On the old network the application runs correctly. On the new system about 3.15 seconds after the LJM_OpenS is called, the LJM dll throws an exception from a series of internal LJM_eWriteNames calls. We are passing an IP address for a TCP/IP connection. 

On the new system I wrote a test application that only includes the LabJack LJM dll and that only calls LJM_Opens to connect to the LabJack.  About 3.15 seconds after the LJM_Opens is called, the LJM dll throws the exception. I then ran the test application with the LabJack not powered.  While the LJM_OpenS failed as expected, the exception was still thrown by the LJM dll after about 3.15 seconds.

Is the LJM dll trying to do that causes it to throw an exception after 3.15 seconds?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
What programming language is

What programming language is your application written with? What operating system is the application running on? What exception is being thrown?

ernest.l.piper@raytheon.com's picture
We are using an automated

We are using an automated test sequencer called ATEasy (behaves similar to Visual Studio) using .NET Assembly LabJack_LJM   - LabJack.LJM, Version= running on Windows 10.  We are getting a memory access exception on the new network.  This is very repeatable and I was hoping that 3.15 minutes would suggest some setting. In otherwords what is the LJM dll trying to do when connected and when not connected to device, that can cause it to throw an exception after 3.15 seconds?  Next week I plan to go through the policy and security setting differences between the two networks to try to identify what might be causing the issue.   


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
LJM should not be throwing

LJM should not be throwing memory access exceptions under typical operating conditions. I do not believe we have any timeouts whose default value should be 3.15 seconds, and timeouts from LJM should be thrown as LJM Exceptions.

I would recommend testing one of our examples to check for the same behavior:


I would recommend upgrading your LJM version as well:


Similarly, we recommend using the newest firmware. Firmware can be upgraded using the device updater tab of our Kipling software.