Logging both analog and digital IO | LabJack

Logging both analog and digital IO

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AndreasHast's picture
Logging both analog and digital IO


I have not used the T7 Labjack so much and I have only used the "LJLogM" program and it has worked perfekt for my past needs.
Now I would like to log both analog and digital IOs at the same time.

Is there another program that I can use that has this feature?
I use the DB37 connector so I use the AINx, FIOx and MIOx/CIOx signals.

Best regards

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Here is a rundown of T7

Here is a rundown of T7 software options:


If you need something more powerful & flexible than LJLogM, without making your own program, consider DAQFactory.

Note that you can read digital inputs using LJLogM.  For example, you could put in the name "FIO0" in any row to read the state of that one DI (0 or 1).  Or you could put in the name "FIO_STATE" to read all 8 FIO at once (returns a value from 0-255) or you could put in the name "DIO_STATE" to read all 23 digital lines at once (returns a value from 0-8388607).


AndreasHast's picture


I will test both ways.
