Is there a search function for this forum?
I've the folling problem with my T7, I set a digital IO pin using the writebyname function and then would like to read it back, altough the boolean that is returned by the readbyname function is correct, the voltage level on the output changes. Is there a way to overcome this issue or is it by design that a digital IO that is read can not be driven at the same time?
You want to do a read of DIO_STATE so you can do an input read without changing the line to input. Expand the details to see the register descriptions for DIO# and DIO_STATE:
DIO#: "Read or set the state of 1 bit of digital I/O. Also configures the direction to input or output. Read 0=Low AND 1=High. Write 0=Low AND 1=High."
DIO_STATE: "Read or write the state of all digital I/O in a single binary-encoded value. 0=Low AND 1=High. Does not configure direction. A read of an output returns the current logic level on the terminal, not necessarily the output state written. Writes are filtered by the value in DIO_INHIBIT."
The search provider we use does not give us the ability to focus the search like you describe, but you can use the "site:" operator with Google to seach specific areas of our site. The following search different areas for "dio state write":
Current Forums: dio state write
Old Forums: dio state write
T-series Datasheet: dio state write