Reading flash from T7 via modbus | LabJack

Reading flash from T7 via modbus

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Reading flash from T7 via modbus

I want to store some values in the flash memory and read them some time later.  Pls advice if the following are correct or not:

1. Write the key to address 61800 Qty 2  values 26133 & 58166 (16 bits values from 1712710454)

2. Write the pointer to address 61810 Qty 2 values 0 & 0

3. Read value from address 61812 Qty 2 

Am I correct?  I try to read the key from address 61800. It always return with 0

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The first issue you are

The first issue you are likely to run into is that the Key is cleared every time a packet is processed. That means that the key and the write or erase operation must occur in a single packet. To squeeze everything into a single packet the eWriteNames or eWriteAddresses function will have to be used. 

So to write data to flash the key, pointer, and data must all be written using a single call to one of the above mentioned functions. 

User's guide flash link:

So it is not possible to use

So it is not possible to use standard Modbus call to erase or to write the internal flash.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Correct. If you are writing

Correct. If you are writing your own code you can add support for function #76 detailed here: