Resolution Index of LJStreamM.cfg & Kipling does not match | LabJack

Resolution Index of LJStreamM.cfg & Kipling does not match

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Diego Luna
Daniel Park's picture
Resolution Index of LJStreamM.cfg & Kipling does not match


Before using LJStremM, I set the "Resoultion Index" in Kinpling's Analog Inputs.

However, LJStreamM.cfg does not reflect the "Resolution Index" value.

For example, I set the "Resoultion Index" as 7 in Kinpling's Analog Inputs Menu.

And "Resolution=0" is automatically written in LJStreamM.cfg.

How can I check "Resolution Index Value" when LJStreamM is operating.

soloman's picture
LJStreamM.cfg is not intended

LJStreamM.cfg is not intended to be directly modified. As you are seeing, the stream resolution index is different from normal (command-response) resolution index. To set the stream resolution index, you would modify the register STREAM_RESOLUTION_INDEX. This could be done using the register matrix tab in Kipling.