Scanning speed of Labjack T7 | LabJack

Scanning speed of Labjack T7

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Lewis-C's picture
Scanning speed of Labjack T7

Hi,I am using Labjack T7, I try to use two channels to connect the sensor, when I use the software LJStreamM to get data, the highest scanning speed that can be achieved is 5,000Hz. But I saw in the document that it can actually reach 50,000 Hz for two channels. How can I achieve a higher speed? What limits the speed? What solution should I take? 
Thank you!

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The maximum streaming speed

The maximum streaming speed will depend on all of your AIN settings, primarily the resolution index and range setting. Hitting 50,000Hz on two channels will require that you are using resolution index 1 and the +-10V range on both channels. Table A.1.7 on this page breaks down the different possible stream speeds for various AIN settings: