Setting RTC on T7 Pro resets time | LabJack

Setting RTC on T7 Pro resets time

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andy73's picture
Setting RTC on T7 Pro resets time


I have the problem that setting the time on a LabJack T7 Pro with RTC either with the button in Kippling or using Python (Ethernet) resets the time back to 1970 instead of setting it to the correct time. The LabJack hardware is new and trying to activate SNTP also did not work. Can you help? I'm using a Mac, have tried both Ethernet or USB connections, Kipling 3.1.18, LabJack firmware 1.0292. Thanks for your help!  

Update: It seems to be a 1st of January year 2021-1 A.M. type of problem! I can write the timestamp for a second before that value and it works fine (writting [24558, 26111] to Register #61504). However if I write the timestamp for 1sec later the clock resets to 0 i.e. to 1970.

The clock continues to run fine after that and reading the time will give values after that date but writing the values that I've just read back to the labjack will still reset the clock.

In a modbus interface and python this can be reproduced with:

lj_ts = client.read_input_registers(61500, 2).registers
err = client.write_registers(61504, lj_ts)

This resets the clock!

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The mktime function included

The mktime function included with our firmware compiler stopped working at the start of 2021. We use mktime with the RTC_TIME_S register specifically and the RTC_TIME_CALENDAR register should still work correctly by itself.

We have released two beta firmware versions that use our own custom time function rather than mktime. Please try upgrading firmware to beta version 1.0297 or 1.0298 using the Kipling device updater tab.


andy73's picture
Thanks for the quick answer!

Thanks for the quick answer! An upgrade to beta 1.0298 seems to have done the job - at least when setting the time manually.