T7 Pro Mux80 | LabJack

T7 Pro Mux80

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Lennart's picture
T7 Pro Mux80

I am trying to log 80 channels with the Labjack T7 Pro(Fw 1027) over ethernet and the Mux80 using the Lua script editor in Kipling. My code is based on the 'log voltage to file' example with an array for the different voltages. But everytime the number of  input channels rises over 47 the program doesn't work properly and i get time lags in the measurement.

Is there an example code for logging so much channels at the same time or a different way to do it?

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LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
First thing is to look at the

First thing is to look at the times in Table A.1.4 to see if the loop even has a chance to run with your specified interval.  You might need to decrease ResolutionIndex.


Also, note that if you have a continuous Ethernet connection you would typically have host software logging data rather than an on-board script.