T7 Streaming | LabJack

T7 Streaming

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Ryan Finn
c219q@unb.ca's picture
T7 Streaming


Just wanted to make sure I had streaming right for this particular application. I have a Python 3.0+ GUI application running at an event tick of around 20 msec. Now, I will be reading around 40 sensors in differential mode on an Injection Moulding Machine. I want to stream data in via StreamBurst on that 20 msec tick. Getting the lowest AIN resolution possible for the thermocouples brings me down to about 100 scans/sec at a resolution of 1.

Question: Is it best to use StreamBurst at 100 scans/sec at resolution Index of 1 or should i have it in continuous stream mode?

Thanks ahead of time!

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
How many scans are you

How many scans are you collecting when you call StreamBurst? What made you want to use StreamBurst instead of a command-response -based function like eReadName? StreamBurst does send more packets than eReadName. Data rates are here: https://labjack.com/support/datasheets/t-series/appendix-a-1

How regular do your data points need to be? If using a software tick is sufficient, using command-response or StreamBurst can be desirable for simplicity. Continuous stream with eStreamStart/eStreamRead can be susceptible to clock drift between the LabJack and the host computer. That might not be bad if you don't actually need a software tick (essentially if you can let the LabJack be the clock source according to how often eStreamRead returns). It's also not bad if you can handle getting back extra or less data every once in a while.