I have set up a triggered stream read based on the sample code (C++) and everthing is working well. My application requires it trigger on the rising edge only, not both. I cannot find in the documentation what index to use.
// 5 enables a rising or falling edge to trigger stream
WriteNameOrDie(handle, "DIO0_EF_INDEX", 5);
Pulse width in actually triggers only on the rising edge:
To test this out, you can configure triggered stream with STREAM_TRIGGER_INDEX set to 2000 (for FIO0) and DIO0_EF_INDEX set to 5 for pulse width in. You can then wire FIO2 (or similar) to FIO0. Set FIO2 high. Then run triggered stream. Set FIO2 low and notice that stream does not begin. Set FIO2 high and stream begins.
I did this with stream_triggered.c and Kipling's Register Matrix. (Kipling used Ethernet, stream_triggered.c used USB.)
Thanks for the fast response. The comment in the sample code had me confused. I'll run the test you suggested. What if I wanted the falling edge only?
Conditional Reset allows you to select rising or falling via DIO#_EF_CONFIG_A:
There's also more DIO available:
thanks for the info. and help