AI NC SE Test Failed | LabJack

AI NC SE Test Failed

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em_ma's picture
AI NC SE Test Failed

Hello, I'm trying to connect the LabJack U12 to Horiba Mass Flow Controller. The LJTest fails one test: AI NC SE Test. I checked the LJLogger and the first two channels (SD0 and SD1) read less than 1.43 volts, around 0.5 volts.

How can I fix the problem?


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LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
LJtest will fail if anything

LJtest will fail if anything is connected besides USB:

Also note that floating analog inputs on the U12 sit at around 1.43 volts.  See the last paragraph here:


em_ma's picture
So, it might work properly,

So, it might work properly, right? I shouldn't be concerned about the failed test because it's already connected to the Horiba MFC.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Correct.  If you have

Correct.  If you have anything connected it is normal for LJtest to fail.