Communication with DALI (Digital Adressable Lighting Interface) | LabJack

Communication with DALI (Digital Adressable Lighting Interface)

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Winter's picture
Communication with DALI (Digital Adressable Lighting Interface)

we are using here some LabJack U12 devices. What i want to know is if it is possible to communicate with a device that has an DALI-Interface? I have to receive and send data.

On the following page you can see how the communication of DALI looks like (manchester coded).

If it's not possible, is there any other way to realize that? Maybe with another LabJack or additional device?

Thanks in advance!
Best regards

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
No. The U12 is not able to

No. The U12 is not able to communicate via Manchester encoding. The timing on DALI is too small for big banged operations either.

At this time, LabJack does not make any products with a Manchester feature. The T7 might be able to do with with a Lua script.