U12 AIBurstX does not work with EXCEL VBA 2016 | LabJack

U12 AIBurstX does not work with EXCEL VBA 2016

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U12 AIBurstX does not work with EXCEL VBA 2016

I use excel VBA 2016 to run U12 AIBurstX, and always get an "error 13--type mismatch", even in the case that all the inputs are given in exact numbers (except three outputs: 2 string+ one long) . I can not find the reason. Can anyone help me to have a look of my code?  It works fine with AISampleX, and AOupdateX. Thanks  in advance!



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LabJack Support
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For the first parameter idnum

For the first parameter idnum, pass a variable like you do with your other functions. That parameter is an input and output.

AIBurstX is documented here:


There is a Visual Basic 6 example of AIBurstX in this download:


Open the AIBurstX\main.frm in a text editor to view the code. The example code is in the Sub cmdBurst_Click, and is pretty much the same in VBA/Excel.