USB Port of U12 not recogniced by windows 10 (64 bit) | LabJack

USB Port of U12 not recogniced by windows 10 (64 bit)

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USB Port of U12 not recogniced by windows 10 (64 bit)

Helle Forum members,

I want to connect my U12 on my windows 10  (64 bit) computer. But the USB Port from my LabJack U12 was not identified by windows 10. Need support to bring my U12 working with windows 10.

Exists any fix for my problem?.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Take a look at the hardware

Take a look at the hardware installation section of the U12 datasheet for troubleshooting:

When the device is connected and recognized, in Device Manager it shows as "Human Interface Device -> USB Input Device".

After going through that page, if you are still having issues:

1. Is the Status LED on the U12 on?

If it is on, then it is enumerated. Try an application, such as LJlogger, to test the U12.

If the LED is off, try a different USB cable or computer USB port.

2. Does your U12 work on another computer?