Write to Spreadsheet not working with Labjack | LabJack

Write to Spreadsheet not working with Labjack

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Mujtaba Hussain's picture
Write to Spreadsheet not working with Labjack


I have a simple problem. I need to save data being acquired by the U12 Labjack to file in Labview. I know I should be using the "Write to Spreadsheet File" to do it but the problem is that I do not have this VI in the File I/O sub-pallette. Closest to what I have to it is a "Export to Spreadsheet" VI. Now when I use that with the EAI VI of Labjack, the wire connection can not be made giving a message of 'bad wire'. What am I missing or doing wrong here??? Please help!!

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Why doesn't your LabVIEW have

Why doesn't your LabVIEW have "Write To Spreadsheet File"?  What file I/O functions do you have?

Each time you call EAnalogIn you get 1 floating-point value.  Ask NI how you write a 1 floating-point value to file.

Since you really just need LabVIEW help, not specific to LabJack, I suggest you make a simple VI that demonstrates your problem without any LabJack code.  I have attached such an example that just logs 2 random numbers.  NI should be able to easily help you with this if you have trouble.

File Attachment: