Changing power on default configuration in U3(LV) | LabJack

Changing power on default configuration in U3(LV)

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Scott Molloy
Scott Molloy's picture
Changing power on default configuration in U3(LV)

I am using a U3 (LV) in a Unix environment with the exodriver to acquire signals from a number of analogue sensors. All works well but... alas, if the power is interrupted and restored the FIO lines default to outputs and the FIOs are driven to a non-zero voltage. This causes havoc with connected instruments until the software is restarted as the connected instruments are expecting the FIOs to be inputs (i.e. not driven).

Is there a way of changing the power-on default configuration of FIO lines on a U3(LV)?

Apologies if this has already been covered elsewhere.


LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The easiest way to configure

The easiest way to configure the reboot defaults is using LJControlPanel on Windows.  If that is not an option for you let us know and I will have someone else help.

The default from the factory is input, and you can make sure you are using factory defaults by powering up with a jumper securely installed from FIO6 to SPC:

All digital I/O on the T7 have 3 possible states: input, output-high, or output-low. When configured as an input, a bit has a ~100 kO pull-up resistor to 3.3 volts. When configured as output-high, a bit is connected to the internal 3.3 volt supply (through a series resistor). When configured as output-low, a bit is connected to GND (through a series resistor).

If a DIO terminal is at about 3.3 volts, and you are not sure if it is set to input or output-high, a couple ways to tell are:

1. Look for a slight change on a terminal with nothing connected except a DMM. For example, a DMM measurement of an input might show 3.30V whereas that same terminal as output-high reads 3.31V.

2. Add a load resistor. If you add a 100k from FIO7 to GND, the terminal should measure about 1.6V for input and 3.3V for output-high.

Scott Molloy
Scott Molloy's picture
Thank you for the support and

Thank you for the support and detailed explanation.

LJControlPanel did the trick and the power on default behavior in the Unix environment is now as desired.