Enable PWM output and use DAC at the same time | LabJack

Enable PWM output and use DAC at the same time

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pbarve's picture
Enable PWM output and use DAC at the same time


I am using the U3-HV labjack module  using the following configuration: PWM output on FIO5 and also using DAC1. 

I need them to be independent, but i see that the PWM output somehow infulences the DAC1 output. Is there a way to configure the PWM output as well the DAC to use them independently ?

any suggestions, greatly appreciated.


PS: Tried using one of the digital outputs and toggling them with time.sleep(): but can't get the resolutions i am looking for (need to generate the pwm at ~75Hz)

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
See the 4th paragraph here:

See the 4th paragraph here:


If those solutions are not enough, you might need to add an LJTick-DAC and use that for your analog out.