Falling edge | LabJack

Falling edge

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Jrmullensjr's picture
Falling edge

Is it possible to measure two channels that would be triggered by the rising or falling edges of a 60-2 tooth wheel? I'm using a U3-HV. If so could you explain or point me in the direction needed. 

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The U3 does not support any

The U3 does not support any hardware based external clocking (the T7 does), so your likely solutions are:

1.  Poll the trigger signal and when you see the event you are looking for grab readings from the 2 channels.

2.  Stream the trigger signal along with your other 2 channels.  Then in post-processing of the data your software finds the trigger events and keeps just that data, discarding all the extra scans.

Jrmullensjr's picture
I was thinking the second

I was thinking the second option would probably be the one I would use. I could log the results and use that to do different graphs. 

Could you give me an example how to do this? I can probably figure out the streaming part but need help in post processing. 

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
If you are wanting to do the

If you are wanting to do the post-processing in excel or some other data analysis software I'm sure it's possible but I don't know of an available example.  I'm not sure if you can just do it with logic formulas in excel, or if you would need to write a VBA macro to do it.

If you are wanting to do the post-processing in some programming language, that is how I would do it myself.  In LabVIEW, for example, I would read the file into a 2D array, step through each row of the array in a for loop, do the logic test on the trigger channel to decide if it has changed state since the previous row, and if true keep that row.