Floating Values of the same Analog Input | LabJack

Floating Values of the same Analog Input

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benjiworld's picture
Floating Values of the same Analog Input

Hi everybody. Something strange happens with our U3-LV. The same analog voltage (coming from a proximity sensor) are read by U3, sometimes around 1.2xx V, other times (after a few hours) as 1.8xx V. We simply cannot understand what's going on. Checked with a precision voltmeter, the signal is always 2.221 V. We use low-level functions and python under linux. Any kind of help will be really really appreciated. Thanks to everybody.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The first thing to try is to

The first thing to try is to disconnect everything but the USB, then connect a wire between the analog input and ground. Is the reading stable now?

If there GND test works then my best guess is a grounding issue. Make sure there is a strong GND between the signal source and the labjack.