How to change the state of FIO channel | LabJack

How to change the state of FIO channel

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concacid's picture
How to change the state of FIO channel

Hi all,

I have a Labjacj U3-LV, and I have writing a simple code in labview. How do I change the state of a particular channel I am interested in? I want this particular channel to be at a high state only when certain conditions in my code are met, such that it can switch on a relay. I am quite new to this and I dont know if I should just write a 1 to the channel. 

Any pointers would hel please!!!

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The easiest way to set the

The easiest way to set the state of a digital output is with a call to eDO:

To see a call in LabVIEW look at "U3 eDO".

concacid's picture
Thank you. I can understand

Thank you. I can understand now

Just one question: Does this output remain on high until specified and I have to write a low to change the state?

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
The DIO will remain in

The DIO will remain in whatever state you last told it, until you send it a new command.