Hi everyone,
I am struggling with the communication between labjack and electrnic device that trigger electrical shocks (Digitimer, DS8R). If I connect Labjack by DB15 (EIO1 pin) to Digitimer (BNC socket) I can easily trigger the shock by python comand:
import u3
lj = u3.U3()
address = 6701 #this is the address of EI01
j.writeRegister(address,65280+255) #give a shock
My problem is that I want to repeat the same procedure BUT with triggering shock by the screw (e.g. FIO0) NOT DB15 terminal.
I guess I need a new address, but if I changed the address in to code to e.g. "6700" it does not work. Which command I should used?
Thank you
Address 6700 is FIO states which sets all 8 FIO states. The line's direction needs to be an output to set the state. So for FIO0, see if performing this call beforehand helps:
# Address 6750 is FIO Directions. Upper byte is the mask.
# Setting FIO0 to output.
lj.writeRegister(6750, 0x0101)
To set only one line, use DIO State starting at address 6000. 6000 = FIO0, 6001 = FIO1, .FIO2 = 6002, etc.. When writing the state, it will also set the direction to an output.
If you have an U3-LV, digital lines FIO0-FI03 will be available. If using a U3-HV, digital lines FIO0-FIO3 are unavailable since they are dedicated analog input lines (AIN0-AIN3).
Just in case, you may want to also run a call like below before your digital I/O operations to make sure the FIO lines are configured as digital I/O instead of analog inputs:
# Address 50590 is FIOAnalog. Bitmask (1=Analog, 0=digital).
# Setting all FIO lines to digital I/O
lj.writeRegister(50590, 0x00)
Dear Labjack,
Now I am struggling with another problem, and kindly ask you for little help.
I would like to send a trigger to all of EIO pins localized at DB15, the point is that each of EIO pins (from EIO0 to EIO7) is connected to one of 8 electrodes and I just need to activate one of them.
My basic code is:
I am struggling with the communication between labjack and electrnic device that trigger electrical shocks (Digitimer, DS8R). If I connect Labjack by DB15 (EIO1 pin) to Digitimer (BNC socket) I can easily trigger the shock by python comand:
import u3
lj = u3.U3()
address = 6701 #this is the address of EI01
j.writeRegister(address,65280+255) #give a shock
How I can send a trigger to other EIO pins?
I would be glad for any help...
Address 6701 is EIO states. It sets all EIO lines, where of the value, bits 0 to 7 are the states (1 = high, 0 = low), and bits 8-15 are the write mask (1 = update, 0 = do not update).
Your current code is first setting all EIOs to low, then sets all EIOs high (65535 = b1111111111111111). If you want to set all lines, but only have one line high for the EIOs, then something like this (just the writeRegister calls):
address = 6701 # This is the address of EI0 States
lj.writeRegister(address, 0xFF00) # Set all EIOs low
write_mask = 255 << 8 # Update all EIOs. Upper 8 bits. Value = 65280.
eio_bit = 1 << 2 # Update EIO2. Value = 4.
lj.writeRegister(address, write_mask + eio_bit) # EIO2 high, other EIOs are low.
# Other EIO bits. Lower 8 bits.
#eio_bit = 1 # EIO0. Value = 1.
#eio_bit = 1 << 1 # EIO1. Value = 2.
#eio_bit = 1 << 3 # EIO3. Value = 8.
Alternatively, you can use addresses 6008-6015 which is part of the DIO state registers. Those addresses are for EIO0-EIO7. These addresses only set one line. For example:
address = 6701 # This is the address of EI0 States
lj.writeRegister(address, 0xFF00) # Set all EIOs low
address = 6008 # This is the address of DIO8 (EIO0)
lj.writeRegister(address, 1) # Set EIO0 to high
#address = 6009 # This is the address of DIO9 (EIO1)
#lj.writeRegister(address, 1) # Set EIO1 to high
#lj.writeRegister(address, 0) # Set EIO1 to low
For the Modbus map, go here:
Dear Labjack Support,
Second solution works great!
Thank you.