Labjack U3 - I/O pin read error | LabJack

Labjack U3 - I/O pin read error

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chandansingh's picture
Labjack U3 - I/O pin read error

I have found a strange error while configuring Labjack U3 device, I tried to set an I/O pin, say FIO3, to logical low, but when I try to read the state of the pin through Read State then it shows it as logical high... I don't know what's the problem.

I would be very happy if anyone can help me in solving this issue.

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture
Most methods of reading a

Most methods of reading a digital line, set the direction of that line to input.  Digital inputs have a 100k pull-up that causes them to read high when floating.

Sounds like you want to use an iotype that does not also set direction, such as LJ_ioGET_DIGITAL_BIT_STATE: