Labjack U3LV connect to Stepper Motor | LabJack

Labjack U3LV connect to Stepper Motor

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Ade Subhan's picture
Labjack U3LV connect to Stepper Motor


I'm new here,

I have Labjack U3LV and I need some advice how to connect with Stepper Motor? is it still need additional module or any driver?

Basically, I only have Labjack U3LV, Stepper motor, and Rotary encoder.

It can be used to make speed motor adjustment?

Hopefully, you guys can help me.

Thank you,

LabJack Support
labjack support's picture



You can control a stepper motor with a T-series device and a PS12DC, see our Stepper Motor Controller app-note, but we don't have any support for a U3.  There are a few active forum topics but this is a pretty advanced topic.