The min pin offset is 4 in the control panel and the first 4 inputs (AIN0 - AIN3) can not be used for counters so only FIO4, FIO5 and FIO7 are available for counters but that requires a pin offset of 3.
How do I connect a quadrature encoder?
The min pin offset is 4 in the control panel and the first 4 inputs (AIN0 - AIN3) can not be used for counters so only FIO4, FIO5 and FIO7 are available for counters but that requires a pin offset of 3.
How do I connect a quadrature encoder?
I'm afraid I don't follow. TimerCounterPinOffset can be set to 4-8, so that means that timers/counters can start anywhere from FIO4 to EIO8.
If counter 1 is FIO4 and the pin offset is 4 then counter 2 is EIO1? There is not a pin marked EIO1 on my U3-HV
I have verified that both channels are putting out signals by connecting each one to FIO4 in turn and verifying they count, but I need them to work in QUAD mode, so what pins do I connect them to?
Quadrature uses 2 timers:
... and timers are allocated before counters, so if you enable Counter1 and 2 timers, with TimerCounterPinOffset=4, you will have the following:
Connect your quadrature A phase to FIO4 and B phase to FIO5. There is more information about timer/counter pin assignments at the beginning here:
EIO are on the CB15 connector if you need them: